Another beautiful pre-holiday visit was again to Lusaghbyur village in Lori, this time made possible by Ara & Eliza Kozanian. The visit was to Amalia, a single mother, raising her 2 underage children alone.
Of course, we visited with many surprises for this family as well. First of all, we gave them the most important thing: a pregnant cow, which will be a sustainable income for them, giving at least 15 liters of milk. This will become a constant source of income for the family, about $300 a month. In addition, to make life easier for the mother, we gave them a refrigerator, a washing machine, an electric oven and an electric kettle, for which the mother was indescribably happy to receive. In addition, we took a year worth of food, clothing, and toys for the kids.
It is almost impossible to describe in words the excitement and gratitude of the mother)))
This visit became a holiday gift for a small, beautiful family, which is on its way out of poverty . Thank you and God bless you!